
These articles are additional resources for people looking to quit nicotine products, resources for those who are supporting people quitting, and ways to learn more about which populations are disproportionately targeted by big tobacco.

Project Success and Way to Quit Launch Salt Lake City Exhibit

The June 1, 2024, opening of Unfiltered: Big Tobacco’s Exploitation of Black America at the Urban Arts Gallery provided a compelling platform to confront the tobacco industry’s targeted marketing tactics against Black communities. This exhibit, a collaborative effort by Way to Quit and Project Success Coalition, utilized immersive art to expose the deep-seated injustices that have disproportionately impacted Black Americans. By intertwining art with…

Understanding the Fire Hazards of Tobacco Products

In 2023, there were 120 fire incidents linked to cigarettes in the state of Utah. Nationwide, house fires from smoking made up roughly 7,800 incidents, resulting in 275 deaths, 750 injuries, and staggering losses of $360 million by 2021, as reported by the U.S. Fire Administration. These statistics shed light on the often-underestimated fire hazards that come with tobacco products, which prompted us to…

Take charge: A guide to quitting nicotine with nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

If you’re reading this, it means you’ve taken the first step toward a healthier, nicotine-free life. Quitting can be daunting, but you’re not alone on this journey. Whether you’ve tried to quit before or this is your first attempt, this post serves to guide and encourage you through the process and shed some light on a powerful tool that can help: nicotine replacement therapy…

Cat smoking cigarette

If you use nicotine, so does your pet! 

It’s an alarming reality that if you smoke, your pet smokes. Your animal companions join the harmful circle of secondhand smoke when you use nicotine, as they are exposed to toxic chemicals and particles that jeopardize their well-being. The information below provides 5 truths about nicotine’s effects on pets and offers some steps you can take to make your home a place of clean…

CDC Quitting smoking can give you a second chance at life

Quitting smoking can give you a second chance at life

Click here to view CDC article: A new year brings new possibilities for a healthier, smokefree life. Quitting gives your body a second chance at life, no matter how long you have been smoking. It’s never too late. Find out more at the CDC in this article which details how your body can heal itself after quitting.

Happy family moving

The ripple effect of secondhand smoke

The word “tobacco” in this article refers to commercial tobacco created and sold by tobacco companies, not tobacco that is used spiritually and ceremonially by indigenous tribes. We all know our personal choices have effects that extend beyond ourselves. It’s why we make the conscious decision to not check our phones when we drive or walk the dog even when we’re exhausted and would…

Empowering Hispanics and Latin Americans: Social justice and taking a stand against tobacco.

Tobacco use and its negative health effects disproportionately impact particular communities worldwide. For Latin American people, this is largely due to the tobacco industry using the cultural and sacred significance of tobacco to target people with their products. It’s essential to understand this history, raise awareness, and provide support for individuals looking to quit nicotine. In Utah, where approximately 13% of the population identifies…

Take control of your quit journey with free medication help

Quitting smoking or vaping is challenging, but with the right support, you can increase your chances of success. If you’re trying to quit smoking or vaping and are uninsured, we have exciting news for you! Utah Community Health Centers offer free prescription medication to people who don’t have insurance to aid in their nicotine-free journey. In this post, we explore the valuable resources that…

You don’t have to quit nicotine alone

What is Way to Quit? “I quit smoking almost one year ago. I called the Quitline to get started and then used the website every single day during my quit process. Daily web sessions along with nicotine patches helped me quit.” – a former smoker  You may have some hesitations about enrolling in quit support services—and that’s understandable. We’re here to help remove any…

How quitting tobacco helps the environment

The environmental toll of tobacco and nicotine The benefits of quitting tobacco and nicotine go beyond your own health. When you quit, you  help preserve the environment. In addition to costing 8 million people their lives; every year, the tobacco industry uses “more than 600 million trees, 772 miles of land, more than 24 billion tonnes of water, and 84 million tonnes of CO2”1….

The link between smoking and poor mental health

Introduction Nicotine is often used as an indulgence. While it may bring temporary feelings of comfort when we’re stressed, using nicotine or tobacco products can literally worsen our mental health in the long run1. Research studies show smoking is actually associated with more mental health problems3. Read on to learn more about why, in the long run, quitting smoking will lead to fewer mental…

man breaking cigarette in half

Five Things You Can Expect When You Quit Smoking

Top Tricks to Beat Tobacco Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you can make for your health. Once you quit, there are immediate benefits to the body. Not only does it add value to your life, but also to those around you, particularly your family and friends. It’s not easy to quit, so you should be incredibly proud of your decision. While…

woman talking to peer for quitting help

Looking for Tips to Quit?

Top Tricks to Beat Tobacco Quitting has never been an easy task. But there are ways to ease the edge. Here are a few friendly tips to keep you on track to living a smoke-free lifestyle. Tip 1: Strengthen Your Chances Through Support  Make a quit plan and tell family, friends and co-workers about it. It’s OK to lean on your loved ones and ask…

Vaping’s Dirty Little Secrets

A new way to stay hooked on tobacco 5 Smoke Signals to Quit Vaping You may think vaping is safe, but the truth is that 99% of e-cigarettes contain nicotine, making them highly addictive. Not only are these products addictive, but they also often target younger adults to create lifelong customers. Here are five things that will cause you to think twice before vaping. 1:…

Big Tobacco is Ready to Sell Something New

A new way to stay hooked on tobacco Phillip Morris (the manufacturer behind brands like Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Parliament, and more) has a new strategy in their sales game: it’s time to switch to heated tobacco products. According to Philip Morris, these products are better alternatives to cigarettes because they’re smoke-free. Has the tobacco industry developed a conscience, suddenly concerned about the health of…

man with rainbow face paint at pride parade

How the Tobacco Industry Hurts the LGBTQ+ Community

The Problem In recent decades there’s been a significant increase in brands appealing to the LGBTQ+ populations. As more brands turn to inclusive marketing to reach new demographics, we are seeing more products specifically designed toward once isolated individuals. However, not all of these products help the community, and in the case of the Tobacco industry, they actually destroy it. While it may look…

woman in the army

Big Tobacco & Targeting the Troops

Enough is enough. Big Tobacco has manipulated and preyed on members of the military for too long. On Armed Forces Day, the best way to celebrate these heroic men and women of the Armed Forces is to protect them from harm. It’s time to give them reinforcements in the ongoing battle against Big Tobacco, which has a firm grasp on members of the military….

doctor with gloves and mask to help protect against covid-19

COVID-19 and the Risks to Smokers

COVID-19 is a health danger for everyone. But for smokers, the threat is even greater. Being a former or current cigarette smoker increases your risk of severe illness from COVID-19. Of course, it’s known that smoking reduces lung capacity and impairs lung function. The bigger problem during the pandemic is that it increases the risk of respiratory infections while also increasing the severity of…

woman and man talking outside of a coffee shop

Menthol & Big Tobacco’s Manipulation

Decades of Manipulation  The decades-long web of systemic targeting of Black smokers is tangled, including attempts at policy influence, organizational ties, promotions, and targeted marketing.   In the 1960s, the tobacco company Brown and Williamson developed the Kool brand of menthol cigarettes specifically for African Americans. The new cigarette ads featured Black models and were promoted as “young, hip, new, and healthy,” to the public.  At the same time, Big Tobacco…

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